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国外艺术家 | 埃尔南·巴斯 Hernan Bas


Culture 菌整理编辑,版权为艺术家本人所有


Bright Young Things Lehmann Maupin, New York, 2016


Hernan Bas

TIME LIFE Installation view, Lehmann Maupin, New York, 2019–2020 Photo by Matthew Herrmann

Florida Living Installation view, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA, 2017

TEFAF New York SpringInstallation view, Park Avenue Armory, New York, 2019 Photo by Matthew Herrmann

Sorting out Andy, 2018 Acrylic, oil stick and ink transfers on linen 95.8 x 191 x 2 inches 243.3 x 485.1 x 5.1 cm

Pink plastic lures, 2016 Acrylic on linen 119.5 x 198.75 x 2 inches 303.5 x 504.8 x 5.1 cm

Jack of the Lantern, 2011 Acrylic, airbrush, silkscreen and block print on linen 96 x 108 inches 243.8 x 274.3 cm

four bathers by a river, 2017 Acrylic on linen 72 x 84 x 1.25 inches 182.9 x 213.4 x 3.2 cm

The Occult Enthusiast, 2019 Acrylic on linen 84 x 108 inches 213.4 x 274.3 cm

The Sip In, 2019 Acrylic on linen 84 x 108 inches 213.4 x 274.3 cm




Lives and works in Miami, Florida, and Detroit, Michigan, USA.


He studied at the New World School of the Arts, in Miami, USA. In 1999 he won the McCullough Prize for Painting, awarded by the Cleveland Institute of Art, USA.

埃尔南·巴斯的绘画灵感来自19世纪末的艺术和文学,以及法国Les Nabis团体的象征主义和装饰风格。尽管在美学上以男性雌雄同体的花花公子形象为基础,但他作品中的年轻主人公通常被单独或以小组的形式描绘,要么被限制在一个类型场景的亲密感中,要么迷失在密集而繁荣的风景中。浪漫,他们生活在一个隐含的色情和暧昧的肉欲的幻想世界。在青春期和成年之间,总是显得时间暂停。

Hernan Bas's paintings are inspired by the art and literature of the late 19th century, as well as the symbolist and decorative style of the French group Les Nabis. Although aesthetically grounded in the iconography of the male androgynous dandy, the young protagonists of his works are usually portrayed alone or in small groups, either confined to the intimacy of a genre scene or lost in the vertigo of a dense and exuberant landscape. Romantic, they inhabit a fantasy world of implicit eroticism and ambiguous sensuality. Always appearing suspended in time, between adolescence and adulthood.

他的个人展览曾在法国和东京的佩罗廷美术馆、美国的Lehman Maupin、西班牙的当代艺术中心、科尔比艺术博物馆、SCAD艺术博物馆、巴斯艺术博物馆、美国的布鲁克林博物馆展出,他还曾在伦敦、首尔、威尼斯等地的博物馆和画廊展出。

His individual exhibitions have been presented at Galerie Perrotin, in France and Tokyo, Lehman Maupin, in the United States, at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Málaga, in Spain, the Colby Museum of Art, the SCAD Museum of Art, Bass Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum in the USA, he has also exhibited in museums and galleries in London, Seoul, Venice, among others.

巴斯 的作品被收藏在各种公共收藏中,如加拿大安大略美术馆、美国波士顿美术馆、纽约现代艺术博物馆、旧金山现代艺术博物馆,迈阿密当代艺术博物馆、洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆,布鲁克林博物馆、费城艺术博物馆,以及Carréd‘Art-Musée d‘Art Contemporain,Nimes,France,Saatchi Collection,伦敦,英国,Samuso:Space for Contemporary Art,韩国首尔。

Bas's works are in various public collections, such as Art Gallery of Ontario, in Canada, in the United States, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Museum of Modern Art, NY, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Brooklyn Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art and in collections such as Carré d'Art - Musée d'Art Contemporain, Nimes, France, Saatchi Collection, London, England, Samuso: Space for Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea.

©Hernan Bas



艺术征集 | 「爱之光」 全球治愈系艺术大赛及线上展

展览回顾 | 爱之光治愈系艺术展


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