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为证水质达标 巴黎市长跳入塞纳河游泳

Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, the city that is to host the upcoming Olympic Games, swam on Wednesday in the Seine to assure the cleanliness of the river ahead of the Olympic competitions.巴黎奥运会临近之际,巴黎市长安妮·伊达尔戈17日跳入塞纳河中游泳,以证明塞纳河水质「足够干净」。
Accompanied by Tony Estanguet, president of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Hidalgo said that the water was in "rather optimal conditions."在巴黎奥组委主席托尼·埃斯坦盖的陪同下,伊达尔戈表示,塞纳河水处于「相当理想的状态」。
"It's cool but not cold at all. We didn't want to go out," she said.「天气很凉爽,但一点也不冷。我们不想上岸,」她说。
After a 100-year ban on bathing in the river, athletes will take the plunge in just a few days during the Games, the City Hall of Paris said on its X account, adding that swimming in the Seine will also be open to the public as of next summer.巴黎市政厅在其X账户上表示,塞纳河已经禁止游泳有100年的时间,它将在奥运会期间迎来运动员们,并补充说,塞纳河游泳也将于明年夏天向公众开放。
The French government has spent more than 1.4 billion euros (about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars) since 2016 to make the Seine swimmable.自2016年以来,法国政府已花费超过14亿欧元净化塞纳河水质。
The Seine will host the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on July 26, and the triathlon and marathon swimming are also scheduled to take place in the Seine.7月26日巴黎奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河举办,这里也预计作为铁人三项和马拉松游泳的赛场。
英文来源:新华网编辑:董静审校:万月英 齐磊