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台中第一高:台中惠国段90地号塔楼 / Aedas


Aedas院士及全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)、Aedas执行董事刘燕带领团队,在台中市西屯CBD核心区域,打造了一座高323.5米的超高层塔楼,落成后将成为台中第一高建筑的有力竞争者。

In the Xitun CBD of Taichung city, Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Aedas Executive Director Nicole Liu have led the team to create a 323.5m super high-rise tower, which is poised to be the tallest tower in Taichung.


Outstanding architectural form


The skyscraper is located in Xitun District, the most bustling and vibrant area of Taichung. Surrounded by the main roads and CBD, it is also adjacent to the urban icons including Taichung City Government and the National Taichung Theater.

项目周遭高低错落的建筑不仅造就了繁华的都市生活,也形成了复杂的城市肌理。我们希望以简驭繁,通过极富流动感的设计语言,让超高层塔楼从纷繁庞杂的城市中脱颖而出,绘就城市全新天际线。 」刘燕如是说。团队以略带弧度的流畅线条勾勒出挺拔的塔楼形态,并将方形体量做了圆角处理,在夜幕中搭配灯光效果,突出建筑流线型变化的曲线之美。

‘The surrounding buildings with varying heights not only reflect a bustling metropolitan life but also form a vibrant urban texture. The design achieves simplicity by using a design language rich in fluidity to make the super high-rise tower stand out from the chaotic cityscape and paint a new skyline for the city.’ Nicole says. The design adopts slightly curved, smooth fins to outline the tall tower's shape and round the square volumes. Coupled with lighting effects at night, the beauty of the streamlined curves is highlighted.


Complicated urban fabric

立面设计灵感源于高山飞瀑「飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天」, 银灰色的玻璃幕墙搭配简洁利落的竖向装饰条在阳光下熠熠生辉,映照出天空与都市的景色,在垂直线条下,如同晴空中瀑布,自天际坠落。而幕墙收边的边框则抽象凝练书法韵味,自上而下,流畅渐变,典雅大气。

The façade design is inspired by the cascading waterfalls of high mountains. The silver-gray glass curtain wall, combined with simple vertical decorative fins, shines brilliantly in the sunlight. The façade mirrors the sky and urban scenery, creating the effect of a waterfall descending from the sky. The edging frames of the curtain wall with a gradual variation in thickness from top to bottom exudes elegance and grandeur.


Rounded curtain wall


Façade design in a form of waterfall

建筑的四个界面在一致的建筑语言下巧妙变化,让市民可以在各个街角欣赏到不同的建筑风景,营造出极富记忆点的地标形象。 面向台湾大道一侧为建筑主要形象展示面,设计将卷叠重合的立面从中间渐渐打开,流动扭转下落,展露出弧线起伏的层层阳台,正如激流中的磐石,将飞练一分为二从中破开。而两侧展开的曲面幕墙下部,以圆润弧线形坠落,如同飞流而下的水帘,展露细部之美。面向CBD一侧则以灵动的曲线将幕墙自上而下分割,与主立面有所区分又相互呼应,简约沉稳的造型,自然融入商务区的空间氛围。

The four façades of the building subtly vary under a consistent architectural language, allowing citizens to appreciate different street views and creating a landmark image rich in memorable points. The façade facing the Taiwan Avenue serves as the main display. The design gradually opens the façade from the middle, flowing and twisting downwards, revealing layers of undulating balconies, reminiscent of a rock splitting a torrent into two. The lower façade is wrapped with curves, resembling droplets cascading down. On the other side facing the city, the dynamic curves divide the curtain wall from top to bottom, distinguishing it from the main façade while maintaining a harmonious relationship. The simple and steady form naturally integrates into the spatial atmosphere of the business district.


Balconies with fluid edges

项目包括底层的商业空间以及上方的办公区域于一体,设计为不同业态打造了各自的入口动线,让两者彼此独立,互不干扰。 办公大堂三层通高,挑空的空间中采用香槟金色的金属材质搭配石材,典雅奢华,营造出独特的到达体验。地面景观则通过线性图案与规划,垂直于建筑纵向排布,形成人流的视觉引导。

The design creates individual circulation for retail and office visitors. The 3-storey tall office lobby features champagne gold metal materials combined with stone, creating an elegant and luxurious arrival experience. The landscape uses clear linear patterns and layout to guide the pedestrian flow.


Retail and office space



地标的意义不在于超越的高度或是夸张的造型,而是凝练其中的‘骨’与‘神’,以长久的表达实现如艺术般不朽。 」温子先说道。

Andy shares, ‘A landmark does not lie in its surpassing height or exaggerated form, but in distilling its core values and details, achieving an enduring expression as a piece of timeless art.’


Unique architectural form

位置: 中国台中

业主: 兴富发建设股份有限公司

设计及项目建筑师、外立面及室内及景观设计师: Aedas

建筑面积: 138,539平方米

竣工时间: 2028年

主要设计人: 温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),Aedas院士及全球设计董事;刘燕,Aedas执行董事

Location: Taichung, PRC

Client: Highwealth Construction Corporation

Design and Project Architect, Façade, Landscape and Interior Designer: Aedas

Gross Floor Area: 138,539 sq m

Completion Year: 2028

Design Directors: Aedas Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Aedas Executive Director Nicole Liu

资料来源、版权所有: Aedas