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This summer, a new IP for summer consumption promotion activities in the city - "Shanghai Summer" International Consumption Season – will be launched soon, which will feature more than 60 high-quality and high-capacity concerts, music festivals, cultural and art performances, major sports events with a high tourist flow, and a number of service initiatives that reflect Shanghai's internationalized and top-quality consumption environment, attracting global travelers to come to Shanghai, experience and enjoy the city.

作为首届「上海之夏」国际消费季的一部分,上海夜生活节首次将举办时间从6月延续到了9月,上海夜生活节与二更共创的品牌项目 【夜生活造梦师】 ,也特别聚焦国际主题,首次记录了在上海创「夜」的国际友人们的故事:从复兴公园的「上海绮梦」鸡尾酒到深夜暖胃的特色杯面,从一票难求的【不眠之夜】到JZ Club意犹未尽的爵士乐,再到观众可一边小酌一边看展的Fotografiska……上海的夜晚处处都在展现这座不眠之城独有的魅力,每一个生活在上海的人,都在造梦夜上海。

As part of the first "Shanghai Summer" International Consumption Season, the Shanghai Night Festival will be held from June to September for the first time. The One of the Night , an iconic programme of the Shanghai Night Festival jointly created with Er Geng Media, also shifts its focus to feature stories of international entrepreneurs creating different night experiences in Shanghai: from a glass of "Shanghai Dream" in Fuxing Park to a satisfying bowl of cup noodles at midnight, from internationally acclaimed show of "Sleep No More" to spontaneous jazz music at JZ Club and Fotografiska, where art enthusiasts can enjoy exhibition with a glass of wine in hand......Known as the 「sleepless city」, Shanghai has been showcasing its unique charm with diversified nightlife experiences. Everyone here is part of the Shanghai Dream while they follow their own dreams in the cosmopolitan city.


Alec Haavik



JZ Music签约艺术家



"What do you look forward to for the future of Shanghai?"



"The city is full of possibilities, which keeps inspiring my imaginations."


Alec came to Shanghai in 2005. He is now performing jazz at JZ Club. He is deeply attracted by the local delicacies, and his music imaginations have been inspired by the unique combination of Shanghai's diverse culture, history and future prospects. Immersed in the colorful nightlife of Shanghai, Alec is dedicated to creating music and performances so special that make audiences linger, and so unique that the nightlife of Shanghai becomes even more colorful. "I have fallen in love with Shanghai because it is a unique combination of history and futurism. And all those who love live music gather here and create the nightlife of Shanghai together."


Shingo Sasaki





"How would you describe the nightlife of Shanghai in three words?"



"International, magical and vibrant...... This is the nightlife of Shanghai."

今年是Shingo在上海生活的第7年,也是他从事调酒师职业的第15个年头。对他来说,当客人卸下一天的疲惫,相聚在一起举杯畅饮,相谈甚欢,品尝美食,就是酒吧的魅力所在。上海丰富的饮食选择和人文历史,带给Shingo无限的灵感。从2019年到2021年连续三年,Sober Company都斩获世界前50的殊荣。「上海绮梦」是Shingo为上海特别调制的一款鸡尾酒,希望客人们能从中感受到上海这座24小时活力之城的独特魅力。

This is Shingo's 7th year living in Shanghai and 15th year as a bartender. For him, the most charming aspect of a bar is that guests come for a few drinks, good chats and delicacies to call it a day. Shanghai's endless choices of food, rich culture and history have inspired Shingo greatly. For three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021, Sober Company has been one of the World's 50 Best Bars. "Shanghai Dream" is a cocktail specially created by Shingo, so that guests could taste the unique charm of the energetic, sleepless city of Shanghai.


Camden Hauge

Happy Place餐饮集团创始人



「创建Lucky Mart这个空间的初衷是什么?」

"What inspired you to open Lucky Mart?"



"I hope that everyone who comes through our doors can be themselves and can follow their passions in whatever way that we can help them."

不论是管理9家餐厅和酒吧,还是Social Supply舍派活动策划机构,Camden都坚持「以人为本」,希望通过美食、饮料和热情好客,将快乐和舒适带给所有人。如果Egg餐厅代表了Camden对白天的热爱,那Lucky Mart便利店便是其对夜晚的追求。每每遇到客人深夜进店享用自制特色杯面,希望舌尖上的美味帮助他们在第二天恢复良好的状态,Camden便觉得自己做了一件对的事。「希望每位来店里的客人,都能正面自己,追逐梦想所在。」

Whether it is to manage our restaurants and bars or Social Supply, putting people at the heart of what I do and what we do as companies has been Camden’s philosophy. If Egg is meant to explore her passions during the day, Lucky Mart is what she would want for night time. Whenever she saw guests come in really late at night and have the special cup noodles, thinking this would save them for tomorrow, Camden thought she’d done well. "I hope that everyone who comes through our doors can be themselves and can follow their passions."


Christian Devillers




"What would you like to convey to the audience through Fotografiska?"



"I hope to inspire people with new perspectives, to get people to see things differently and question themselves to think outside of the comfort zone."


Christian, who settled in Shanghai in 2005, is a photography art collector, who always hopes to do something meaningful in art and culture before he discovered the building where Fotografiska is now located in the Suhewan area in 2021. To get people to see things differently, unique spaces have been created for each of Fotografiska's shows to inspire people with new perspectives and question themselves to think outside of the comfort zone. Shanghai among others, is probably the best night life in China. In the future, Christian hopes to support Suhewan to become one of the night destinations in Shanghai. People can experience the unique charm of the city at museum at night.






"What does Shanghai offer to artists?"



"Shanghai is a city that always provides infinite opportunities to artists, which has revitalized art ."


Viola, who came to Shanghai in 2019, works at The McKinnon Hotel Shanghai as a Performer and Rehearsal Director of the Shanghai version of " Sleep No More ". This is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning immersive drama that created countless miracles at The McKinnon Hotel and even became the nightlife itself. Viola loves the captivating night of Shanghai and enjoys admiring the beautiful skyline. Every cornor, there is always something happening, as if on one side of the street, time hasn't passed for like 100 years, and on the other side, there're huge skyscraper buildings with out of this world technology and architecture. This strong juxtaposition has inspired her creativity and choreographic style, which is forever evolving. Together with " Sleep No More ", Viola hopes to be part of the small spark to revitalize art and make Shanghai's nightlife shine.

作为上海夜生活节的标志性项目之一,【夜生活造梦师】这一夜生活人物专题纪录片诞生于2021年,通过记录夜上海具有引领性的人物,聚焦其品牌理念,塑造夜生活节的人文价值。纪录片选题围绕「夜购」、「夜读」、「夜娱」、「夜游」、「夜秀」 「夜动」、「夜食」7个主题,捕捉夜上海的闪光人物,寻找上海夜生活领域的精神领袖和引领性项目,记录那些值得被分享的故事。

First launched by the Shanghai Night Festival in 2021, The One of the Night is a documentary dedicated to pioneers spearheading the city’s nightlife scene. While showcasing diverse brand concepts creating bespoke nightlife experiences from perspectives of 「Night Shopping」, 「Night Reading」, 「Night Entertainment」, 「Night Tour」, 「Night Shows」, 「Night Activities」, and 「Night Dining」, The One of the Night series go behind-the-scene and unveil the individual stories of nightlife trendsetters and leading projects that add the human touch to the Shanghai Night Festival and the phenomenal nightlife of Shanghai.

Alec, Shingo, Camden, Christian, Viola, 他们虽然来自不同的行业,但都一样远渡重洋来到这座起初陌生的城市,在这里扎下了根,用国际化的眼光和丰富的实践,令本已绚烂多彩的夜上海更加星光熠熠。上海这座国际化的都市,凭借其深厚的文化底蕴和开放、包容、创新的海派精神,必将吸引更多的人们来这里,在璀璨的星光下,逐梦前行。

For Alec, Shingo, Camden, Christian and Viola, although they are from different backgrounds, they have all traveled across the oceans to this then "unknown" city, settled down and made the already vibrant nightlife of Shanghai even more exciting with their international vision and in-depth experiences. Shanghai, the dynamic cosmopolitan city with rich culture and history, and open, inclusive and innovative spirits, will attract more people to come and realise their dreams.



