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No. Baseball used to do it that way and it's was bad, having your season come down to a pickup game. And the baseball ASG, players actually try.


The ASG is entertainment for children. Any adult knows that they are not even trying. And they aren't going to. No reason to. The game will never be entertaining to adults


All star game should be a bit more competitive but that's taking it way too far. There needs to be a good middle ground.


Why would a random team be punished based on players from other teams playing in the AS game? Makes absolutely zero sense.


No that would be whack, but I think the winning conference should get to pick the format.

Say the western conference wins the ASG, and they are the lower seed in the finals, they get to pick if they want the finals format to be 2-2-1-1-1 or 2-3-2.

So the first 2 home game still goes to the higher seed, but say the lower seed steals game 1, stakes are now higher with 3 of the next 4 games being in the lower seeds home court.

I think that would make things interesting in the ASG.

不,那会很糟糕,但我认为获胜的分区应该可以选择赛制。假设西部联盟赢得了全明星,而他们是总决赛战绩靠后的球队,那么他们就可以选择总决赛的赛制是 2-2-1-1-1 还是 2-3-2。


Imagine Jokic losing home court advantage in the finals because Ant shoots left handed the entire game


problem is most of these guys probably don’t think they’re making the finals so now you have 4 guys playing the game like it’s the finals while everyone else is barely trying.

问题是这些人中的大多数可能都不认为自己能进入总决赛,所以现在有 4 个人把比赛当做总决赛来打,而其他人都在勉为其难。

What if the team in the final didn’t have an all-star?


But also let's get real: none of these guys wants to take the game seriously and risk injury. It's just not worth it to them. Only way you might be able to is to financially make it worth their while (aka a cash prize).


Everyone saying yes would just complain when their team doesn’t have home court as a top seed

说 "同意 "的人只会在自己的球队作为头号种子没有主场时抱怨。

Guys that make the all star team that play on non contenders still won’t care


Imagine the 4th seed Kings making the Finals & them having a better record than the opponent. But the all star game (where they didn’t have any all stars on their team!) determines them getting home court


No, because what is the point of winning then? I’m gonna have the best record in the league just no get home court advantage?


Idk why they don’t just play defense but just avoid foul trouble to avoid injuries. Since the use injuries as an excuse


Love the idea, but this just makes the regular season even less interesting


It’s a terrible idea but Losing team votes for a player to get a five game suspension. It would make a competitive in at least create rivalries.


no because what if the 8 seed heat had home court over the 1 seed nuggets last year it just wouldn’t make sense


Nah. That’s still not enough incentive to make all the players play hard… just a few. If you’re an all-star on a team that’s out of the playoff hunt, or not a serious contender, you couldn’t care less who gets home court


Change the ASG rules. You get a point for each quarter you win. If final score is 2-2, then play OT for the final point. This encourages players to play hard from the beginning, instead of waiting until the end of fourth quarter to pick up their defense.

改变全明星规则,每赢一节就能得到一分。如果最终比分是 2-2,则进行加时赛以获得最后一分,这样可以鼓励球员从一开始就努力比赛,而不是等到第四节快结束时才加强防守。

The all stars just showed what is wrong with todays NBA...all that money but no motivation to give fans the best game of the season


No because I believe that’s too big of an incentive. They’re gonna try too hard and somebody might hurt themselves. I don’t wanna see people hurt I just wanna see people try to play basketball.


