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The Houthis and social media accounts supporting them repeatedly have falsely claimed they hit or even sank the carrier in the Red Sea. The carrier leads the U.S. response to the rebels' targeting of commercial vessels and warships in the crucial waterway — attacks the Houthis say are aimed at bringing an end to the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip.


The Eisenhower's leader, Capt. Christopher 「Chowdah」 Hill, is creatively striking back on social media to counter the misinformation — and boost the morale of the ship's 5,000 personnel — as the Navy faces its most intense combat since World War II.

艾森豪威尔号的舰长克里斯托弗-"乔达"-希尔在海军面临二战以来最激烈的战斗之际,创造性地在社交媒体上反击错误信息,并鼓舞舰上 5000 名官兵的士气。

「I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been," Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. "It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work on us.」


The visit by two AP journalists and others to the Eisenhower represents part of the effort the Navy has made to try to counter the Houthi claims. While on board for about a day and a half, journalists escorted by sailors crisscrossed the nuclear-powered ship's 1,092-foot (332-meter) length. AP journalists also repeatedly circled the Eisenhower from the air in a Seahawk helicopter.


Other than rust on its side from the hot, humid Red Sea air and water apparently leaking from a pipe in a dining room, the ship appeared no worse for wear. Its flight deck bore no blast damage or gaping holes, just the stink of jet fuel, pooled puddles of oily water and the scream of engines before its F/A-18 fighter jets took flight.

除了船舷上因红海湿热的空气而生锈,以及餐厅的水管明显漏水之外,这艘战舰看起来并无大碍。飞行甲板上没有任何爆炸损伤或裂口,只有喷气燃料的恶臭、一滩滩油渍,以及 F/A-18 战斗机起飞前发动机的尖叫声。

But morale remains a deep concern for Hill and other leaders on board the ship. The Eisenhower and its allied ships have gotten just one short port call during the eight-month rotation so far to Greece. The carrier also has been the most-deployed carrier among the entire U.S. fleet over the last five years, according to an analysis by the U.S. Naval Institute's news service.


「It’s pretty much the day-in, day-out stress of knowing that we are being shot at definitely gives a realism to the whole experience that this is not a normal deployment," Hirl said.


Meanwhile, munitions also remain a concern. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told the U.S. Senate's Armed Services Committee in May the Navy had spent at least $1 billion in armaments to fight in the Red Sea. Every leader on board the Eisenhower that the AP spoke to acknowledged the Navy was trying to use the right weapon against the Houthis, whose asymmetrical warfare sees them use far cheaper munitions.

同时,弹药也仍然是一个令人担忧的问题。海军部长卡洛斯-德尔-托罗(Carlos Del Toro)5月告诉美国参议院军事委员会,海军为在红海作战至少花费了10亿美元购买武器装备。美联社采访过的 "艾森豪威尔 "号上的每一位领导人都承认,海军正试图使用正确的武器来对付胡塞武装,因为胡塞武装的非对称战争使用的弹药要便宜得多。

For now, the Eisenhower continues its patrol along with the USS Philippine Sea, a cruiser, and two destroyers, the USS Gravely and the USS Mason. It's been extended twice already and there's always the chance it could happen again. But Hill said his sailors remained ready to fight and he remained ready to continue to captain in his style.

目前,"艾森豪威尔 "号与一艘巡洋舰 "菲律宾海 "号以及两艘驱逐舰 "格拉夫利 "号和 "梅森 "号一起继续巡逻。巡逻时间已经延长了两次,随时都有可能再次发生。但希尔说,他的水兵们仍然做好了战斗准备,而他也准备好继续以他的风格担任舰长。