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北极熊画廊 北京|「这世界缺点幽默」 沈敬东个展将于9月15日开幕



Shen Jingdong:This world lacks humor

策展人 | Curator:李裕君 Li Yujun

开幕 | Opening:2024.09.15 15:00

展览时间 | Exhibition Dates:

2024.09.15 - 2024.10.15

地点 | Venue:

北极熊画廊 | 北京

Polar Bear Gallery | Bei Jing

北极熊画廊(北京)荣幸的宣布将于2024年9月15日(周日)推出中国著名当代艺术家沈敬东个展 「这世界缺点幽默」,展览由李裕君策展。将呈现艺术家近些年创作的艺术臻品30余幅,期待您的莅临!

Polar Bear Gallery (Beijing) is pleased to announce the launch of a solo exhibition by renowned Chinese contemporary artist Shen Jingdong titled "This world lacks humor" on Sunday, September 15, 2024, curated by Li Yujun. We will present over 30 masterpieces of art created by artists in recent years. We look forward to your visit!




In this fast-paced and high-pressure modern society, a sense of humor has become a valuable quality of life and spiritual pursuit. It can not only add color to our lives, improve our quality of life, but also become a tool for decompression and healing in life. In the world of art, painting, as one of the languages used by artists to express emotions and concepts, not only reflects the author's inner world, but also provides effective emotional value to the audience through the unique language style of the work. Shen Jingdong, as a representative artist of the "post pop" wave who has been working in the contemporary art world for many years, not only releases the energy of delicate observation and profound thinking on social phenomena in his works, but also has high recognition and contains a profound sense of the times and warm artistic imagination.

「 迎客松 」Guest-Greeting Pine,120x150cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2024


In my opinion, Shen Jingdong's paintings were deeply influenced by the "Pop Art" of the mid-20th century and the popular "Playful Realism" of the 1990s. He uses vivid colors, simple lines, and popular elements to present and construct a unique artistic style with both philosophical depth and a relaxed sense of humor in a humorous and witty manner. In fact, Shen Jingdong is not a pure optimist. In his works, we can also feel a faint sense of pessimism. But this pessimism is not negative, but a profound reflection on life, existence, and the human condition. His images often reveal a sense of fragility and impermanence in life. This profound philosophical thinking gives his works a strong ideological and philosophical quality, which is thought-provoking.

「 国际玩笑鲜花版 No.6 」International Joke Flower Edition No.6,100x80cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2024

「 国际玩笑鲜花版 No.2 」International Joke Flower Edition No.2,100x80cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2024


In 1991, Shen Jingdong, who graduated from the Printmaking Department of Nanjing Academy of Arts, was specially recruited and became a civilian soldier in the Nanjing Military Region Art Troupe. This experience of military life became an important primitive cause and effect in his later artistic language. He cartoonized, puppetized, and humorized the cutest military figures, and behind this seemingly plain and gentle style of work is actually Shen Jingdong's reconstruction of the narrative part of artistic spirit. Drawing soldiers is like drawing one's own life, in fact, it's a self portrait, just trying to shape oneself into a hero. Therefore, under Shen Jingdong's brush, every image seems to be telling a fable story. As art critic Mr. Yang Wei commented, "In the contemporary art world of China, there are many works that express historical themes and explore personal memories. However, there are few artists like Shen Jingdong who enter the creative world in a humorous way. Too many artists like to recall the past and express history with bitter, repressed, and angry emotions, leaving some historical impressions on future generations dull and dull. In this sense, Shen Jingdong's artistic creation is also a visual liberation of the past and present

「 小小宇航员 」Little astronaut,100x100cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2024

「 受伤的英雄 」Injured heroes,60x50cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2024

沈敬东的绘画题材丰富多样,从象征个人英雄主义的「军人」系列,到 「小王子」系列、「百家姓」系列,再到「十二生肖」、「受伤的表情」和「国际玩笑」 等系列作品,无论题材如何变化,他一直用自己看似光滑坚硬,却又吹弹可破的个人风格和特色贯穿其中。同时,沈敬东在作品中加入了丰富的文化元素和符号,这些元素和符号通常是日常生活中常见的,但在艺术的处理下被赋予了新的意义。他塑造的人物形象,往往具有夸张的表情和动作,但这种夸张并非无的放矢,而是他刻意为之。他的这种处理方式,使得作品层次丰富,富含深意,观者往往能在品鉴之余,产生心灵的共鸣。通过这种方式,他想表达的是,在这个快节奏、高压力的社会环境中,人们日渐丧失的幽默感和轻松生活的态度。

Shen Jingdong's paintings have a rich and diverse range of themes, from the "Soldiers" series symbolizing personal heroism, to the "Little Prince" series, the "Hundred Family Surnames" series, and even the "Twelve Zodiacs", "Injured Expressions", and "International Jokes" series. No matter how the themes change, he has always used his seemingly smooth and hard, yet easily breakable personal style and characteristics to run through them. At the same time, Shen Jingdong added rich cultural elements and symbols to his works, which are usually common in daily life but are given new meanings through artistic processing. The character images he creates often have exaggerated expressions and movements, but this exaggeration is not aimless, but deliberately done by him. His way of handling the work makes it rich in layers and profound meaning, and viewers often resonate with their hearts while tasting it. In this way, he wants to express the sense of humor and relaxed attitude that people are gradually losing in this fast-paced and high-pressure social environment.

「 小王子 」The Little Prince,50x60cm,布面油画,Oil on canvas,2023


In summary, Shen Jingdong's paintings are not only a perfect blend of optimism and contemporary art, but also a profound reflection and response to the lack of humor in modern society. Through his works, we are able to re-examine the humor and philosophy in life, thus gaining richer and deeper life experiences. In this world of flawed humor, Shen Jingdong's paintings have opened a door for us to seek humor and wisdom, allowing us to understand the true meaning of life in a relaxed manner.



沈敬东 Shen Jingdong

1965 出生于江苏南京




2023 重新出发,切尔西Crossing art,纽约

2023 你快乐吗,杨画廊,新加坡

2022 谁是我,作者画廊,北京,中国

2021 花好月圆,南京北丘美术馆,南京,中国

2021 最佳角色,嘉兴狄原美术馆,嘉兴,中国

2020 美丽的童话,伦敦,英国

2020 小眼睛大世界,南京,中国

2019 沈敬东来了,巴黎,法国

2019 沈敬东在这儿,纽约中国艺术馆,纽约,美国

2019 沈敬东到此一游,威尼斯,意大利

2018 一路向南,深圳国风艺术馆,深圳,中国

2018 从南到北——沈敬东个人作品邀请展,沈阳师范大学美术与设计学院美术馆,沈阳,中国

2018 从南京出发——沈敬东个展,金陵美术馆,南京,中国

2018 枪炮玫瑰——沈敬东个展,北京芳草地画廊,北京,中国

2017 好兵敬东从艺记一一沈敬东文献展,宋庄当代艺术文献展,北京,中国

2017 国际玩笑——沈敬东个展,马里兰州罗斯美术馆,美国

2017 沈敬东故事,燕山大学,秦皇岛,中国

2016 无心无头——沈敬东&蔡江双人展,白盒子艺术中心,纽约,美国

2016 中国新具象,纽约哈德逊艺术中心,纽约,美国

2015 小王子,星会馆,香港,中国

2015 粉墨登场,Art Future画廊,香港,中国

2015 查禁,南方码头画廊,赛特,法国

2014 我的童话王国,香港会展中心,香港,中国

2014 光鲜,今日美术馆,北京,中国

2011 继续革命,3V画廊,南京,中国

2010 人皆英雄Ⅱ,香港中环交易广场,香港,中国

2009 Hero,Volta博览会,纽约,美国

2008 英雄,中国广场画廊,纽约,美国

2008 最可爱的人,今日美术馆,北京,中国

2008 最可爱的人,798千年时间画廊,北京,中国

2007 十年造英雄,想象画廊,北京,中国

2007 人皆英雄,一画廊,香港,中国

2006 英雄的造像,798千年时间画廊,北京,中国

2006 一张画的展览,88艺术文献仓库,北京,中国



李裕君Li Yujun


