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Fewer adults in the US believe that the American dream is true anymore. A new Pew Research Center survey found just 39 percent of young adults think the American dream is still possible. Nearly 60 percent of US adults below age 50 believe the American dream is dead.越來越多美國成年人不再相信美國夢。皮尤研究中心的一項新調查發現,只有39%的年輕人認為美國夢仍是可能實作的。近60%的50歲以下美國成年人認為美國夢已經破滅。

The poll found that more specifically, 57 percent of adults between the ages of 30 and 49 think the American dream — or the idea that every American has the chance to make a better life for themselves —was once possible or was never possible.民調發現,57%的30歲至49歲的成年人認為美國夢(每個美國人都有機會為自己創造更好生活的想法)已成過去,或永遠不可能實作。

Young adults, those 30 and under, are even more pessimistic about the future of American life, with 39 percent believing the American dream is still possible. That’s compared to the 60 percent of younger Americans who think it was once possible or was never possible, according to the 8,709-person survey.30歲及以下的年輕人對美國的未來更加悲觀,60%的美國年輕人認為美國夢已成過去式,或者永遠不可能實作,39%的受訪者認為美國夢仍有可能實作。本次調查共采訪了8709人。

Opinions on whether the American dream is still possible vary by race, income, education and political party association, Pew found.皮尤研究中心發現,人們對美國夢是否仍可實作的看法因種族、收入、教育和政黨不同而異。

About 5 percent of white, Hispanic and Asian American adults report believing that the American dream was never possible, according to the research. But the percentage of Black Americans who believe this is nearly twice as high at 11 percent.調查顯示,約5%的白人、西班牙裔和亞裔成年人認為美國夢永遠不可能實作。但持相同觀點的美國黑人比例為11%,幾乎是前者的兩倍。

Americans are also divided on whether they personally can achieve the American dream.美國人在個人能否實作美國夢的問題上也存在分歧。

Pew found that about 30 percent of adults in the US think they have already achieved the American dream and 36 percent believe they are on their way to achieving it.皮尤研究中心發現,大約30%的美國成年人認為他們已經實作了美國夢,36%的成年人認為他們正在實作美國夢。

Meanwhile, 30 percent think that the American dream is 「out of reach」 for them, which is nearly double the percentage of Americans that held this belief in 2017, according to Pew’s data.與此同時,皮尤研究中心的數據顯示,30%的受訪者認為美國夢對他們來說「遙不可及」,這一比例幾乎是2017年的兩倍。

英文來源:The Hill


審校:陳丹妮 萬月英
