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【雙語海報】端午傳承 古韻今風/Customs of Dragon Boat Festival


大江網/大江新聞客戶端訊 每年農歷的五月初五是中國四大傳統節日之一的端午節。在江西,街頭巷尾飄散的粽子和艾葉香氣,色彩斑斕的香囊和彩蛋,還有鑼鼓喧天、百舸爭流的龍舟競渡活動,都讓人感受到濃濃的節日氛圍。

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of China's four major traditional festivals, and it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. In Jiangxi, the streets and alleys are filled with the aroma of zongzi and mugwort. People wear colorful sachets and painted eggs, and the exciting dragon boat races feature the beating of gongs and drums. There is a strong festive atmosphere of celebration.

大江網/大江新聞客戶端訊 每年農歷的五月初五是中國四大傳統節日之一的端午節。在江西,街頭巷尾飄散的粽子和艾葉香氣,色彩斑斕的香囊和彩蛋,還有鑼鼓喧天、百舸爭流的龍舟競渡活動,都讓人感受到濃濃的節日氛圍。

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of China's four major traditional festivals, and it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. In Jiangxi, the streets and alleys are filled with the aroma of zongzi and mugwort. People wear colorful sachets and painted eggs, and the exciting dragon boat races feature the beating of gongs and drums. There is a strong festive atmosphere of celebration.


