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AI will transform every aspect of Hollywood storytelling


But it will also cause more friction


REUNIONS OFFER a chance to reflect on how much has changed. One will happen during the coming year in Hollywood when 「Here」 premieres, bringing together the actors, director and writer behind 「Forrest Gump」 40 years later for a new, unrelated film. Set in a single room over decades, 「Here」 is very much a film of the here and now. The stars, Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, will be 「de-aged」 using new AI tools, rendering them more youthful in some scenes and enabling the film-makers to see the transformation in real time while shooting.


Generative AI now means images can be produced in seconds. Songs can be created in the style of singers dead or alive. More than 3,000 books on Amazon name ChatGPT as the author or co-author, lending new meaning to the term 「ghostwriter」.


It is still early days, but 2024 will be a preview of what is to come. Three things are worth watching. The first is how AI will be used to tell new types of stories, as storytelling becomes more personalised and interactive. Films will change and so will gaming, an industry where people can choose their own adventures more easily than moviegoers can. The amount of entertainment available will also balloon.


Like the arrival of the internet, which led to an explosion of 「user-generated content」 being posted to social media and YouTube, generative AI will contribute to reams of videos and other material proliferating online. Some predict that as much as 90% of online content will be AI-generated by 2025. Curation and good search tools will be vital, and there will be debates about whether, and how, to label AI-generated content.


No one is quite sure how the nature of storytelling will change, but it is sure to. David Thomson, a film historian, compares generative AI to the advent of sound. When movies were no longer silent, it altered the way plot points were rendered and how deeply viewers could connect with characters. Cristóbal Valenzuela, who runs a company called RunwayML, which offers AI-enhanced software tools to creative types, says AI is more like a 「new kind of camera」, offering a fresh 「opportunity to reimagine what stories are like」. Both are right.

沒有人確切知道敘事的性質會發生怎樣的變化,但它肯定會變化。電影歷史學家大衛·湯姆森(David Thomson)將生成式AI比作有聲電影的出現。當電影不再無聲時,它改變了情節轉折點的表現方式,也改變了觀眾與角色的共情深度。克里斯托巴爾·巴倫蘇埃拉(Cristóbal Valenzuela)經營的RunwayML公司為創意人士提供AI增強軟件工具。他表示AI更像是一種「新型攝影機」,提供了全新的「重新想象故事的機會」。這兩位說的都是對的。

The Hollywood writers’ strike shone a spotlight on the question of whether AI would start producing scripts. For now, studios have agreed to concessions and will not bypass writers’ rooms to employ ChatGPT instead. It will probably be a few years before a full-length blockbuster is produced entirely by AI.


Instead, the second big development to watch is how AI will be used as a time-saving tool. Generative AI will automate and simplify complex tasks like dubbing, film-editing, special effects and background design. For a glimpse of the future, watch 「Everything Everywhere All at Once」, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2023. It featured a scene that used a 「rotoscoping」 tool offered by RunwayML to edit out the green-screen background and make a talking rock more believable. It compressed into hours what might have otherwise taken days of video-editing.


The third thing to watch for is more dramatic clashes between creators (otherwise known as copyright-owners) and those who run AI platforms. The coming year is likely to bring a deluge of lawsuits from authors, musicians, actors and artists about how their words, music and images have been used to train AI systems without consent or payment. Perhaps they can agree on some sort of licensing arrangement, in which AI companies start paying copyright-holders for content to train their models. But that will not happen without an intense legal brawl.


AI presents bigger questions about the future of stories and the nature of collective storytelling. For example, will generative AI simply imitate previous hits, resulting in more derivative blockbuster films and copycat interpretations of pop songs that lack depth, rather than original stories and art forms? And as entertainment becomes more personalised, will there still be stories that become part of humanity’s collective consciousness and move large numbers of people, who can talk about them together?


As creators grapple with AI’s rise, they will channel their anxieties about technology into their work. Look out for more 「Terminator」- style clashes between man and machine. Life imitates art—and art life. ■


The Economist


Nov 13th 2023丨790words

