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在这个设计中,设计师以塔尖精英的当代生活和审美为出发点,融入了城市天际线和海岸深处的美丽元素。这个空间不仅仅是一个居住的地方,更是一件充满艺术气息的艺术品。 In this design, the designer takes the contemporary life and aesthetics of the elite at the top of the tower as the starting point, integrating beautiful elements from the city skyline and the depths of the coast. This space is not just a place to live, but also a work of art full of artistic atmosphere.


The spatial scale is luxurious, free, flowing, and open, providing a private place for top people to enjoy. Its spacious graphic design and excellent lighting have become a model for the new generation of living spaces. Using architectural structure to extend design language, creating a space that integrates gathering, socializing, entertainment, wine tasting, and reading.


Show the perfect combination of fashion and art through the clever combination of colors and furnishings. Designers are brave enough to break through conventions, making the space full of surprises and aesthetic creation in the turning point. The design of the reception area adopts the transparency and texture of jade to create a distant spiritual atmosphere.


Entering here, it feels as if one is immersed in a deep blue tone, as if in the hustle and bustle of modern cities, a quiet temperament quietly emerges. Home has become a beautiful poem, and designers cleverly use the rules and irregularities of dots, lines, and surfaces to make the space lively and rhythmic. The Seaview Lounge is full of transparency, as if embracing the sea in one's arms.


Every detail is filled with the comfortable life of Minnan, with tea and wine, and ancient fireworks, making people feel like they have traveled through time and space, experiencing the blend of low-key and flamboyant, worldly and worldly.


The designer takes inspiration from the sea and interprets the infinite and profound, freedom and loneliness, rationality and tranquility of the sea through space. Here, you can feel the eternity of the sea, the mystery and dreaminess. This is a unique experience, come with joy and return with all your heart.The fusion of nature and art, the breakthrough of history and scene, and the parallel of painting and harmony have all become the main themes of emotional experience here.

内容策划 / Presented