当前位置: 华文天下 > 电影





Cinema - 电影院

Movie - 电影

Ticket - 电影票

Seat - 座位

Popcorn - 爆米花

Snack - 小吃

Drink - 饮料

Blockbuster - 大片

Romance - 浪漫片

Comedy - 喜剧片

Action - 动作片

Drama - 剧情片

Thriller - 惊悚片

Screen - 屏幕

Lobby - 大堂

Auditorium - 放映厅

Showtime - 放映时间

Cast - 演员阵容

Director - 导演

Plot - 情节

Character - 角色

Dialogue - 对话

Soundtrack - 配乐

Special Effects - 特效

Snack Bar - 小吃部

Box Office - 售票处

Date - 约会

Fun - 有趣

Relaxing - 放松的

Exciting - 刺激的

Enjoyable - 令人愉快的

Anticipation - 期待

Company - 陪伴

Experience - 体验

Quiet - 安静的

Dark - 昏暗的

Suspense - 悬念

Surprise - 惊喜

Laugh - 笑

Cry - 哭

Discuss - 讨论

Ending - 结尾

Credits - 演职员表

Interval - 幕间休息

Whisper - 窃窃私语

Quietly - 安静地

Together - 一起

Memorable - 难忘的

Cozy - 舒适的

Aftermovie - 散场后


**英文:**Let's go to the cinema for our date tonight.


**英文:**Which movie would you like to see?


**英文:**Can I buy you some popcorn and a drink?


**英文:**Let's find some good seats in the middle of the auditorium.


**英文:**This movie looks really exciting, I'm sure we'll enjoy it.


**英文:**After the movie, we can grab a bite to eat and discuss the plot.


**英文:**The atmosphere in the cinema is perfect for a romantic date.


**英文:**I can't wait to see how the movie ends, it's full of suspense.


**英文:**Our date at the cinema was really memorable, I had a great time.


**英文:**Let's make this a regular thing, going to the cinema on our dates.
