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今天是2024龙年第一天,在此举国欢庆之际, 谨以一首 本人 作曲的轻音乐【啊雪人】献给大家。祝大家:新年好!龙年大吉大利!



最后,真诚地感谢每一位聆听我作品的朋友! 祝您们:龙年心想事成!万事顺意!








Happy New Year! I would like to give you a light music "Ah snowman"

Today is the first day of the year 2024. On the occasion of this country's celebration, I would like to present to you a piece of light music "Ah Snowman" composed by me. Wish you all: Happy New Year! Happy Year of the Dragon!

This song "Ah Snowman" is a light music I created for the TV series "I will give you the truth" in 2007. Among them, the singer of Bel hum is called Bai Yongxin, and Bai teacher is a soprano singer that I admire very much. In the years of music work, I have met a lot of very, very good, even can be called the top level of singers, performers and music composers and producers. In the future, I will recommend them to my friends.

This light music is used in the TV series "I will give you the truth", describing the hero and heroine chasing each other in the forest of flying snow, laughing and joking, you and I, until finally, the two people have become a holy and gentle snowman in the snow. I hope you can feel the atmosphere of that scene from the light music of "Ah Snowman".

Finally, I sincerely thank every friend who listens to my works! I wish you all the best in the Year of the Dragon! Everything is fine!

Yours sincerely, from your friend Zhao Jiang

【Ah snowman】

Composer: Zhao Jiang

Female vocal music: Bai Yongxin

Recording: Zou Chang

Sound mix: Gang Xu

Performance: China Philharmonic Orchestra