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张军习练书法醉心于传统书法艺术,遍临历代名帖,尤以行书见长,兼学魏碑、欧楷等诸多书法名迹,兼收并蓄,自然融就。一字之中可见多种书体,笔墨酣畅,尊崇传统笔法\章法\墨法,主张经典通俗,师古不泥。其作品多次参加全国书法展并获奖,并 被喀麦隆,布基纳法索,韩国国会等驻华大使馆作为国礼书法收藏,也被美国、加拿大等国友人 收藏。2022年【忠烈千秋 浩气长存】被开封朱仙镇岳飞庙博物馆永久收藏并入驻碑林。


Zhang Jun, also known as Hua Cheng Mo Jiang, has ancestral roots in Heze, Shandong. He has been fond of calligraphy since childhood and studied under the famous calligrapher Mr. Ge Yan. As the second disciple of Zhou Huijun and Ouyang Zhongshi. Currently, he is a national first- class calligrapher, a member of the List Book Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association, a director of the List Calligrapher's Association of Shandong Province, a figure who inherits the art of calligraphy and painting in the new era, a Chinese national ritual calligrapher, a member of the China Education Television Ink Painting Academy, an academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, an ambassador of the cultural image of the the Belt and Road, an academician of the Beijing Huaxia Diplomatic Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Chinese calligraphy and painting art, a registered artist of the national artist information query system, and has been included in the History of Chinese Calligraphy, a Grand Ceremony of Contemporary Masters, and other literature masterpieces.

Zhang Jun practiced calligraphy and was fascinated by traditional calligraphy art. He visited famous calligraphy works throughout history, particularly in running script. He also studied many famous calligraphy sites such as Wei Bei and Ou Kai, and naturally integrated them. Multiple calligraphy styles can be seen within a single character, with fluent brushwork and reverence for traditional brushwork, chapter and ink techniques, advocating for classic and popular styles, and learning from the past without being stuck. His works have participated in national calligraphy exhibitions multiple times and won awards. They have been collected as national calligraphy by embassies in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, South Korea, and other countries, as well as by friends from the United States, Canada, and other countries. In 2022, the heroic spirit of the loyal martyrs will be permanently collected by the Yuefei Temple Museum in Zhuxian Town, Kaifeng, and incorporated into the Forest of Steles.

Zhang Jun has his own career, and calligraphy is not his means of making a living, but rather a hobby and artistic pursuit. It is precisely this pure persistence and pursuit of art that makes his calligraphy so pure, elegant, and elegant. Zhang Jun is a disseminator of Chinese art, inheritor of traditional culture, and promoter of international culture.
