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【为自己思考】摘抄,请记住作家安妮·狄勒德(Annie Dillard)那永不过时的箴言:「我们怎样度过一天,就怎样度过一生。」

Pi ying represents interesting stories with lively songs and shadows produced by lights. It is the earliest animated technique in the world. The images are always made of patterned donkey leather sewn with thread. The bodily movements and facial expressions of the puppets are created by bamboo sticks. Pi ying tells stories with traditional methods and is popular all over the world. It features not only interesting stories but also Chinese folk art.

皮影用欢快的歌声和光影演绎着有趣的故事。它是世界上最早的动画技术。这些图案都是用线缝制的有图案的驴皮制成的。木偶的身体动作和面部表情都是用竹子制作的。皮影用传统的方式讲故事,在世界各地都很受欢迎。它不仅有有趣的故事,而且是中国民间艺术( Hello China【你好中国】节选)