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Tomaž Vargazon
Odds of that are falling by the year. The problem with the two Koreas is manyfold. Often East and West Germany are used for comparison, but that comparison fails. Two Germanies were truly separated between 1961 and 1989, that’s 27 years. Look at a calendar, 「27 years ago」 isn’t at some distant point during the Cold War any more. It’s 1997, well into the internet era. There was contact between East and West prior to 1961 and even if you go all the way back to 1945, the separation still only lasted for 44 years.


The two Koreas have been separated since 1945, with essentially no contact since 1953. That’s over 70 years at this point, very few of the elderly can still remember the time prior to that and that time was anything but pleasant anyhow.

The separation was far harsher than with two Germanies, you could get West German TV in most of East Germany. Watching South Korean TV in the north is punishable by harsh prison sentences or death. Languague changed too, North Koreans went with an older form of Korean and resisted outside influences.

Mental processes too changed, right now the two Koreas are two different nations and adapting to South Korean life as a defector as as challenging as adapting to a North Korean life style would be.


It is entirely possible the two Koreas will grow apart to a point where they will be two distinct nations. They’re more than halfway there, I would say. A reunification is still possible at this point, although it wouldn’t be nearly as easy as it was with Germany - and 35 years into German reunification it still isn’t finished by the way. It’s come a long way, but not finished and won’t be for another several decades at least.


Rob C
…I wonder whether South Korea would even want reunification at this point. The cost would likely bankrupt them.


Tomaž Vargazon
Not just 「at this point」, but 「at any point in the past 40 years」. Same reason.


Both sides always wanted to unify before the new president took office, of course each side wants to annexe the other Korea under its own system as they know a unified Korea will be more powerful. There has been a Ministry of Unification in South Korea. South Korea’s former president Moon Jae-in is a son of North Korean refugees and the hometown of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is actually in South Korea.


If Korea has been separated for 70 years, how can the North Korean leaders home town be in the south? He's not over 70 years old.


Hometown is where the ancestors are originally from. His family originated from Jeonju, North Joella Province in South Korea. In 1860, his great-great-grandfather, Kim Ung-u, settled in Pyongyang North Korea.

家鄉是祖先的故鄉。他的家族是全州人。1860年,他的曾曾祖父Kim Ung-u在北韓平壤定居。

I see, so he's not from there. Has never been there. Only the family from long past oriented from there.
I'd say that somewhat deceiving


Ancestral home*
Hometown is where one grew up.


Ben Chan
The North was richer than the South when the separation took place.


Mike Mike


Martin David McCoy
I’m not sure that was true because the separation happened after the Japanese occupied Korea and their defeat. The com...sts took the North when China com...sts backed them and Seoul was the largest city in the country and they were in the south. The North was always more agricultural than the South who had more industry.


Eugene Cho
Its the opposite, the South was agrarian, mainly rice patties. The North inherited Japanese shipyards at Wonson and other heavy industry.
For the first eight years after separation North Korea was by far the safer bet to prosper.
Why Do Some Nations Prosper? The Case of North and South Korea - Foreign Policy Research Institute

The South Korean government ultimately took a page from post war Japan’s government sponsored corporate welfare program that created Sony, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Panasonic/National etc using very favorable tax structures, very low interest loans, protectionist import policies etc. This was the keiretsu system and was monumentally successful.

How Eight Conglomerates Dominate Japanese Industry
The South Korean version was called the Chaebol, and resulted in corporate giants like Hyundai, Samsung, LG (Lucky Goldstar), etc.
Korean Chaebols explained: the empires of South Korea


Martin David McCoy
After doing some further research, I stand corrected.


Santosh Kumar
Because it would take the threat of nuclear warfare away from them. Also they are running out of people, reunification should kick that can down the road for atleast a few decades.


They are running out of South Korean people. Reunification will not solve that problem.
And by the way, the East Germans were basically the best of the com...st nations, and they still had issues of integration.


John Mears
North koreans are running out of people as well.
Otherwise Kim wouldn't have been crying on national TV, begging women to have more kids.


Jay Stepien
It’s not what I heard from the mouths of West Germans: The East Germans are lazy, not disciplined , ready to backstab each other for favours from Stasi, not happy to properly work in factory.
Look at Mutti Angela Merkel, from East Germany, what has she brought us inviting half of Middle East to Europe.


Markus Skubic
「Look at Mutti Angela Merkel, from East Germany, what has she brought us inviting half of Middle East to Europe.」
She learned from the best.
And by best I mean big West German industrialists, who brought in millions of Balkan and Turkish Gästarbeiter, many who never left.


Daniel Sifrit
I was in West Germany at the time.. a lot of Germans are bitter about the costs and the politics that were involved. You can’t really trust their opinions.
One big issue with Socialism is that it requires EVERYONE to work, so they will keep a factory fully staffed even if they are only producing at half rate. So a lot of East Germans, generally the least educated and 「able」 had jobs where they never did any work.

They aren’t really LAZY, they just don’t have transferable skills and already have issues with the transition of having housing and all needs 「provided」 — to being turfed out and an OPEN burden on the social system instead of a hidden one.


Esila Rali
Frankly, they don’t., solely due to economics. Young South Koreans are already having a very hard time finding decent-ish paying jobs as is and see reunification with North Korea as 「oh shit, more competition for the very few jobs still available!」
This is felt specifically for blue-collar jobs.


Andrew Makar
For South Korea, the only thing more expensive than an all out war would be reunification.


Rob C
And for most of the 27 years of German separation it was possible for West Germans to visit the East, so personal connections were not completely severed.


Victor Chan
You mean that the Berlin wall was not meant to stop immigration, and that the Soviet claim that the wall was to protect anarchists is true.


Daniel Sifrit
No, he meant what he said. The Soviets were quite willing to allow in Western Hard currency to allow families from WEST to visit.
Nobody has any doubts what the wall was there for.


Victor Chan
You mean that Germans can freely travel through the Berlin Wall from both sides? Your claim that family can visit their family members on East German implied that they can also return to West German.


Daniel Sifrit
I said they allowed families from the WEST to VISIT. Quit trying to change what I said to fit what you are trying to push. Families could visit, add hard currency to the economy, and then they went back to the west.
The wall was there to prevent East Germans from defecting to the West. Anyone who wanted to spend money, INCLUDING US GIs, was welcome to visit East Berlin.


That is what Checkpoint Charlie was - the official crossing point for allied soldiers to visit East Germany. And yes, almost all of them came back. It wasn’t hard to get 「Special Orders」 allowing you to cross issued by the Berlin Brigade.


Klaas Van Aarsen
I was impressed that the 2 Germanies reunited without much resistance or unrest. I think it was economically not attractive. However, if I understand correctly, they were fine with reuniting anyway because the Germanies considered each other 「family」. It probably helped that they still shared the same language.


Lars Helms
Not only 「family」 (in the widest sense really) but West Germany regarded East Germans as their citizens throughout, meaning if you made it to the West you automatically became a West German citizen. West Germany’s constitution had also been set up with the eventually of the reason for the separation ceasing to exist in mind. Two distinct paragraphs (articles?) allowed for either joining the West German federation upon request (which was used for reunification) or to create a new German state if all agree. Both were dexed / modified / substituted after reunification to keep up with reality. It should also be noted that some people had proposed to get rid of these articles altogether before East Germany collapsed, it was thought the separation was here to stay.


Korea has no chance to unify anymore. This is an inconvenient truth that many Koreans do not want to publicly admit. Korea has no chance to unify because both do not want to unify. If one side at least maintains the determination to unify, Korea still has a chance. But this is not what happens. In addition, I think Koreans today do not have the same obsession with unity as Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people have a strong obsession with Independence and Unification.


Barney Burnett
I doubt very much South Korea would want the headache, the level of migration north to south would be unmanageable for a start, then there’s the cost and also the societal attitudes of those in the south to contend with. In essence, it ain’t ever going to happen. More likely NK will become part of China.

原創轉譯:龍騰網 https://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請註明出處

Yusuf Habibie
The Chinese doesn’t care as long as US can’t put ICBMs at their doorstep


Robert Édouard Wielander
South Korea has advanced to such a level of technology and every other aspect of human achievements that reunification with North Korea would be no more than acquiring a primitive state along with the myriad of problems that would entail.

原創轉譯:龍騰網 https://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請註明出處

I can't see China liking the idea of Korea uniting.


Yusuf Habibie
Yeah. If South Korea took control of Korean peninsula it means US can place its ICBMs there. It will get ugly and another starting point of World War III like Ukraine.


Sten Drescher
The US might expand its bases from South Korea to North Korea, but there wouldn’t be much of a point in putting ICBMs there.


Вадим Тульчинский
We know from the history examples of both successful and unsuccessful unifications of the previously separated peoples in a nation. Success stories from the 19 centuary Europe include Italy and Germany. Yugoslavia is a well known story with a different end. All the unification attempts of Nordic nations were finally unsuccessful. China and India remember several dissolutions and unifications each. My Ukraine has been compound of people of different history, religion, language and etnicity. But now she fights for existence, and I see great sence of unity among the people. Will south Coreans feel their northern neighbours as brothers in the future? Who knows. But in this possible case all cultural and economic considerations will fail.


Peter Smith
To reunify both would cost so much it's not worth the expense .,. Germany is still paying for the reunification if East and West and yet East Germany was a hell of a lot better condition than North Korea, that place has literally no infrastructure in place what so ever
