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全球連線丨中國春節 世界的節日 Global Link 丨Chinese Spring Festival celebrated across world



As Spring Festival approaches, the correspondents of Great Wall International Communciation Center have sent reports on how locals celebrate Spring Festival.

英國倫敦唐人街掛起了紅燈籠,節日氛圍感瞬間拉滿。(長城國際傳播中心駐英國倫敦報道員 李宗憲 攝)

Tourists visit the Chinatown in London, the UK to greet Spring Festival. (Photo Source: Li Zongxian for Great Wall International Communication Center)

在馬來西亞吉隆坡成功時代廣場,金龍威風凜凜地陳列其中,喜氣洋洋,映襯著濃厚的節日氛圍。(長城國際傳播中心駐馬來西亞吉隆坡報道員 趙鑫 攝)

Berjaya Times Square, a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is decorated with dragon-shaped light installations and red lanterns to greet the Spring Festival. (Photo Source: Zhao Xin for Great Wall International Communication Center)

龍年春節將至,俄羅斯莫斯科街頭懸起紅燈籠,洋溢著歡樂祥和的節日氛圍。(長城國際傳播中心駐俄羅斯莫斯科報道員 子涵 攝)Lanterns are hung on the streets of Moscow, Russia to greet the Spring Festival. (Photo Source: Zi Han for Great Wall International Communication Center)

橫濱中華街是日本最大的中華街,每逢新春佳節,這裏有各種慶祝活動,人們可以感受到濃濃的中國年味。(長城國際傳播中心駐日本橫濱報道員 鐘瑩瑩 攝)The Yokohama Chinatown, the largest in Japan, celebrates the Chinese Spring Festival with various activities every year. (Photo Source: Jeanne/Jiangxi International Communication Center)

在加拿大萬錦市,喜慶的紅色成為了最亮眼的顏色,給春節增添了許多生機。(長城國際傳播中心駐加拿大萬錦市報道員 王嬌 攝)

Various red-color decorations inject vitality for the upcoming Spring Festival in Markham, Canada. (Photo Source: Wang Jiao for Great Wall International Communication Center)

春節臨近,泰國曼谷EMSPHERE購物中心內的龍年創意主題裝置栩栩如生,靈氣十足,增添了新年的氛圍感。(長城國際傳播中心駐泰國曼谷報道員 贠倚天 攝)The Emsphere, a shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand is decorated with red lanterns, dragon elements to greet the Spring Festival. (Photo Source: Yun Yitian for Great Wall International Communication Center)

在奈及利亞拉哥斯,2024「四海同春華星閃耀」聯歡晚會暨迎新春美食節活動現場張燈結彩,熱鬧非凡,中國年味十足。(長城國際傳播中心駐奈及利亞拉哥斯報道員 Oriomojor Jahswill 攝)

On Feb. 4, early celebrations were held in Lagos, Negeria for upcoming Chinese Spring Festival. (Photo source: Oriomojor Jahswill for Great Wall International Communication Center)
