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我對情緒很敏感,突然間的轉變會讓我感覺是我做錯事了,還是說錯話了,我不會問出來,只會一直回想給自己增添煩惱,我很討厭這樣,因為會一直很在意。I'm very sensitive to emotions, and the sudden shift makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong or saying the wrong thing, and I don't ask it, I just keep thinking about it and adding to my troubles, and I hate that because I care all the time.

一旦變換看問題的角度,你的生活會豁然開朗,幸福快樂會接踵而來。別交出掌握命運的主動權,也別指望局面會不可思議的好轉。你必須與內心希望與熱情步調一致。Your life can be enhanced,and your happiness enriched,when you choose to change your perspective. Don't leave your future to chance,or wait fddor things to get better mysteriously on their own.You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations.

查閱推播資訊時多看那些讓你開心的內容,比如可愛的小貓、美麗的風景、令人垂涎欲滴的美食視訊。你甚至可以關註一個專門分享快樂積極新聞的社交媒體帳戶。Seek out content that makes you happy to balance out your newsfeed. This may be images of cute kittens, beautiful landscapes, drool-worthy food videos or something else. You could even follow a social media account dedicated to sharing only happy and positive news.