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美國當代流行天後,1970年出生的美國著名女歌手、詞曲作家、唱片制作人Mariah Carey(瑪莉亞·凱莉),音域寬廣,中低音渾厚性感,高音高亢華麗,同時唱功更是出類拔萃,八度音和海豚音都可以完美地輕松駕馭。她的嗓音是超越時代的,她的唱功是令人臣服的。

【Without you】(失去你)是Mariah Carey翻唱的一首傷感情歌,歌曲一開始,沈重、緩慢和不穩定的鋼琴和弦聲,營造出了不安的氣氛;歌詞的鋪陳階段,Mariah的歌聲雖略顯平靜,但卻內含一觸即發的情感萌動,渾厚性感的嗓音,依然聲聲觸動人心;當「I cann't live」的高音一迸發出來時,令人感到Mariah是想要倒盡胸中因失去愛的無限苦痛;清晰、空曠的鼓點所營造出的曠野聲場,讓Mariah的歌聲更顯孤獨無依;連續不斷、撕心裂肺的高音,不僅征服你的雙耳,還能直擊你的心房、牽動你的情感,讓你的情緒被深深地帶入其中。

百年不遇的好嗓子加上無限感染力的演繹,鑄就了世紀難得的好歌聲,一曲【Without you】註定成為Mariah Carey的曠世經典之作。

【Without you】(失去你)英中文歌詞:

No, I can't forget this evening 我無法忘記今晚

Oh, your face as you were leaving 當你離去時的臉龐

But I guess that's just the way the story goes 但我想那就是故事的結局

You always smile 你一直保持著笑容

But in your eyes your sorrow show 但眼裏卻流露著哀傷

Yes, it shows 沒錯,那是哀傷

No, I can't forget tomorrow 我無法忘記明日

When I think of all my sorrow 當我想到自己的哀愁

When I had you there, but then I let you go 我擁有了你,卻又讓你溜走

And now it's only fair that I should let you know 現在我只想讓你知道

What you should know 一些你該知道的事

I can't live, if living is without you 我活不下去,如果生命中失去了你

I can't live, I can't give anymore 我活不下去,我再也無法付出

I can't live, if living is without you 我活不下去,如果生命中沒有你

I can't live, I can't give anymore 我活不下去,我再也無法付出

No, I can't forget this evening 我無法忘記今晚

Oh, your face as you were leaving 當你離去時的臉龐

But I guess that's just the way the story goes 但我想那就是故事的結局

You always smile 你一直保持著笑容

But in your eyes your sorrow show 但眼裏卻流露著哀傷

Yes, it shows 沒錯,那是哀傷

I can't live, if living is without you 我活不下去,如果生命中失去了你

I can't live, I can't give anymore 我活不下去,我再也無法付出

I can't live, if living is without you 我活不下去,如果生命中沒有你

I can't live, I can't give anymore 我活不下去,我再也無法付出