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正向詞:盧沈風格,中國畫,水墨人物畫,形象是一位老人交叉雙臂坐著的肖像。他穿著一件黑色夾克,臉上表情嚴肅。這名男子看起來60多歲或70出頭,留著深色短發和胡子。他嘴角微微一笑,閉上眼睛,仿佛在沈思。背景為白色,影像左側用黑色墨水書寫漢字。肖像的整體風格是素描式的,線條和陰影都很大膽 。

lu chen style, chinese painting, ink figure painting, The image is a portrait of an elderly man sitting with his arms crossed. He is wearing a black jacket and has a serious expression on his face. The man appears to be in his late 60s or early 70s, with short dark hair and a mustache. He has a slight smile on his lips and his eyes are closed, as if he is deep in thought. The background is white, and there is Chinese characters written on the left side of the image in black ink. The overall style of the portrait is sketch-like, with bold lines and shading

反向詞:longbody, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, pubic hair,extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality


Lu Chen style-XL.safetensors

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